Jewels and I were up bright and early on saturday to help with the work party at the club. No stereo types here... I was assigned to cleaning and repairing the safety boat and Jewels was assigned to cleaning the kitchen.
There was a good show of people and we had all the work done by 1pm. Time for lunch from the chippy then out on the boat.
Jewels headed home at this point and Julian came down for the afternoon shift... er Drift. There was no particular plan but we decided to head out into the bay. Loaded up our stuff n sandwiches, checked the rigging got the sails up and nosed towards the entrance.
There was just enough wind to keep us going at a knot or two so we hung the fishing line over the side and headed for Studland.
Having been overtaken by motorboats, canoes wasps and butterflies we eventually picked up speed in the bay due to the sea breeze.
Dropped the anchor (Not where the seahorses are) and followed our noses to the Bankes Arms. If you've never been there it well worth a visit. Good Beer brewed on the
premises, local ciders great building with super views from the garden.
Back on board there was even less wind than before, the sea breeze had vanished and we just drifted with the tide in the general direction of Poole.
It was so calm that we were able to chat with people on moored boats with out having to raise our voices. I put the kettle and watched the sunset. Lovely colours and no vapour trails.. Is this the legacy of the Icland volcano? As it was getting dark I made mental notes of the lights that I would need to look out for. Once the tea was finished we started the engine, I don't mind drifting but we needed to be back by christmas.
The engine pushed us along at 5knots and we were sooon back on the mooring. Tidied up and back on the pier we'd had a good chilled day but that rigging is really starting to play on me.
Magic day - and I know exactly what you mean about rigging!!