Wednesday 6 April 2011

A quick update :-(

Hi. Sorry I've been so quiet but I have been busy. The long and the short of it is that Jelly Bean is still on the front garden and it's killing me seeing the moorings fill up when I should be out there.
The repair to the bow took longer than I thought, thankfully it is finished now. The top sides are painted, the anti foul is done although there are a few bits inside the bilges that need redoing; I ran out of antifoul, however I put an ad on freecycle and a very nice man said I could have the last knockings from his tin.. Top notch it's just enough.
The boot top is done, the name is painted on the transom and all the wood has had at least 2 coats of varnish. I have fitted two Gibbs winches and have made one of the wood blocks for storing the anchor on the fore deck. I have also started to repair my tender which got seriously damaged in the storms last year!
So what's left to do?
1. Sikaflex along the top of the rubbing strakes.
2. Paint underside of floorboards.
3. Make second block for anchor stowage, varnish, bed in sikaflex then bolt down.
4. Finish antifouling
5. Fit hawk aerial/windex.
6. Extend battery leads to reach new battery position.
7. Launch and enjoy:-)

All this is not helped by reading other blogs where people are swabbing about without a care in the world .... GRrrr! Hopefully I'll be out swabbing with the best of them this weekend :D


  1. Aahhh the wonders of reductive text .... Swanning, not swabbing!

  2. Stop mincing about and get on the water.... paint *under* the floorboards for goodness sake?? who can see it?! :o))

    PS. Sorry I missed your call the other weekend - trust AOK..

  3. The mould.... that's who can see it :) those little black specs that grow into blooms of black fur. I'm in danger of going insane at the moment.... I was working in Weymouth today and nearly threw myself into the sea. Also just realised that the Tw@ ing iphone can't even predict predictive.... aaaaargghhhhh!!!!
    I'm sure a saline solution will ease my whoas

    Oh yeah, nearly forgot to say... Happy Swanning :D Jealous or what?
